Flow Map Management

In flow map management, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Search Node
  • Edit View
  • View the Default Flow Map view
  • Save
  • Pause/Start request
  • Layout
  • Grid View
  • Flow Map Call Settings
  • Maximize/Minimize the Flow Map View

Search a Node

You can search for Tiers and IPs by clicking the Search Node  icon. After searching, the searched Tier/IP is highlighted for 10 seconds, and then the highlight disappears.

Figure 8: Search Node

Edit View

Here, you can edit and manage the views. There are the following options within this section as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Edit View

Edit Current View

You can edit the current flow map view and make some configuration changes according to your requirements. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Hover your mouse on the Edit View icon, and then click the Edit Current View option as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Edit Current View
  1. This displays the Configure Flow Map window as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Configure Flow Map Window
  1. Below is the description of each entry in the Configure Flow Map window:
  • Use Local Renaming of Integration Points: If you have renamed any integration point then, on selecting this check box, the local renaming of the integration point is considered; else, the system considers the default name of the integration point.
  • Show Integration Point with zero calls: On selecting this check box, the system also considers the integration points that execute no calls; otherwise, the system eliminates those integration points that constitute no calls.
  • Show Flowpath up to n level on double click: On selecting this check box, you can double-click a tier to view all the connected tiers and the integration points up to ‘n’ level.

Note: In the case of shared flowmaps, when read only access is given to other users, the above three filters are disabled.

Value Filters

Figure 12: Value Filter
  • Transaction per Second: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on the number of transactions per second. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value for which the filter needs to be applied.
  • Response Time: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on the response time of transactions. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value (in milliseconds) for which the filter needs to be applied.
  • CPU Utilization: On selecting this check box, you can filter the flow maps based on CPU utilization. First, select the option either greater than or equal to (>=) or smaller than or equal to (<=) and specify the value (in percentage) for which the filter needs to be applied.

Apply these settings on Integration Point also: To apply these settings (value filters) i.e., the Transactions per second filter, Response time filter, and CPU utilization on Integration Point also, select this check box.

Show Call Details: You can select show calls per second or minute.

Show Integration Point names in Flowmap upto characters: You can configure Integration Point character length. The default character length is 15.

Name Filters

  • Show only specified Tiers/Integration Points: This can also be termed as Name Filters, where you can apply filters based on the Tier/Integration Point names. On selecting this check box, two sections are displayed, one for Hidden Tiers/Integration Points and the other for Visible Tiers/Integration Points. You can move the tiers/integration points from one section to another by using the arrow buttons.
  • If you select this check box and do not apply value filters, then the system displays all those tiers/integration points that are under the Visible Tiers/Integration Points
  • If you apply value filters, then the system only considers the Tiers/Integration Points that are under the Visible Tiers/Integration Points The Tiers/Integration points that are under the Hidden Tiers/Integration Points section are not taken into consideration and hence are not displayed whether they are matched with the condition of value filters.
Figure 13: Integration Points
  1. After configuration, click the Apply The flowmap is displayed based on the configuration of the fields.


In this example, we have performed the following tasks:


  • Select the Use Local Renaming of Integration Points check box.
  • Select the Show Integration Point with 0 Calls check box.
  • Apply the Transaction per second filter and it should be less than or equal to 3.

Select Apply these settings on Integration Point also check box as shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Configure Flow Map Window


The output after the configuration of the application of the above filters will be as shown in Figure 15 . Here we can see that the system displays only those tiers whose transaction per second (TPS) is less than or equal to 3.

Figure 15: Output Window

Manage Views

Manage Flow Map feature of Application End-to-End View is used for the following purposes:

  • To set as default flow map.
  • To make a flow map shareable with other owners.
  • To remove a flow map.

To View the Manage Flow Map Window, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Hover the mouse on the Edit View icon, and then click the Manage Views option as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Manage View
  1. The Manage Flowmaps window is displayed as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17: Manage Flowmap Window

To Set as Default Flow Map

Select the desired flow map from the Default Flowmap drop-down list and click Apply  button.

To Make a Flow Map Shareable

Making a flow map shareable means that it can be viewed by other owners as well. To enable this, select the Shared check box corresponding to the flow map.

To Remove a Flow Map

To remove a flow map, select the flow map and click the Remove  button, the flow map is removed from the list.

Default Flow Map

To load the default flow map, click on the Default option as shown in Figure 18. It is loaded by default at the time of accessing the application End-to-End View. You can also create a custom flow map and designate it as the default flow map.

Figure 18: Default

Pause/Start Request                                           

The details of the flow maps are refreshed automatically every 2 minutes which is the progress interval of the test run. You can also pause the auto-refresh of the flow map details by clicking the Pause button . Upon clicking, the auto-refresh feature of the flow map is disabled and the button appearance changes to . To start the auto-refresh feature, click the  button.


Here, you can save the current view or save it as a new view (just like Save as). You have the following options within this section as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Save

Save View

Save View saves the current view of the flow map. Click the Save View option within the Save menu as shown in Figure 20

Figure 20: Save View

On clicking the save view option, the Save Default FlowMap window will appear. Click on the Save  button to save the current view of the flowmap as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: Save Message

Save as New View

The Save as New View feature of Application End-to-End View creates an identical copy of the flow map. It works similarly to the Save As option of any application software, such as Microsoft Word, PPT, etc. To do this, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click the Save As New View option as shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22: Save As New View

2. The Copy FlowMap window is displayed in Figure 23. Enter the name for the new flow map and click the Save This saves a copy of the flow map with the name provided in the box.

Figure 23: Copy Flow Map


Here, you can view the Flow Map pane with various layouts. There are the following options within this section as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Layout(s)

Auto Layout

Auto layout arranges the tiers and integration points in the form of an ellipse. This layout creates two layers. The outer layer represents the integration points, and the inner layer represents the tiers. To execute the auto-layout feature, click the Auto Layout option as shown in Figure 25.


Figure 25: Auto Layout Window

Auto Fit Layout

Auto Fit layout wraps the flow map entities, such as tiers and integration points, within the panel. This eliminates scrolling and arranges the entities in such a way that the flow map can be viewed in a single snapshot. You can implement the auto-fit layout by clicking the Auto Fit Layout option as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26: Auto Fit

Default Layout

Figure 27: Default Layout

Auto Fit Layout (Scrolling eliminated and fitted entities in panel)

Figure 28: Auto Fit Layout

Circular Layout

The Circular layout is similar to the auto-layout. The difference is in auto layout, two ellipses are created, one for tiers and the other for integration points. However, in a circular layout, only one ellipse is created and both tiers and integration points are represented in that ellipse. To change the layout to a circular layout, click the Circular Layout option as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Circular Layout

Auto Layout

Figure 30: Auto Layout

Circular Layout

Figure 31: Circular Layout

Grid View

Grid view is the representation of a flow map in grid/tabular format. To view the flow map in grid format, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Click the Grid View The flow map details are displayed in a grid format as shown in Figure 32.
Figure 32: Flowmap details in Grid Format
  1. By default, tier detail is displayed as shown in Figure 34. To view the integration point details to which the tier is connected, click the button. This expands the tier and displays the integration points.
Figure 33: Integration Point

The following information is displayed:

  • From : This represents the tier from where the call is executed.
  • To : This represents the integration point connected to the tier.
  • TPS/CPS : This represents transactions per second/calls per second.
  • Res Time : This represents the response time taken by the system.
  • CPU (%) : This represents the usage of CPU in percentage.
  • Count: This represents the total number of calls.
  1. To go back to the map view, click the FlowMap View button .

FlowMap Call Settings

In this section, you can select the connection pattern and the view pattern. To view the settings with different options, click the Settings icon . The following pop-up box is displayed as shown in Figure 34.

You have the following options in FlowMap Call Settings:

No Connection Call

On selecting this option, the flow map is displayed with No Connection Call as in Figure 36

Figure 34: FlowMap Call Settings Option
Figure 35: No Connection Call Option

All Connection Calls

On selecting this option, the flow map is displayed with All Connection Calls as in Figure 36.

Figure 36: All Connection Calls Option

Connection Calls in Slide Show

On selecting this option, the connection calls are displayed in a slide show manner for one tier at a time. The duration for showing connection calls for the next tier is 5 seconds.

Figure 37: Connection Calls in Slide Show Option

Current Value

On selecting this option, the data for the current value (last sample) is displayed in Figure 38

Figure 38: Current Value Option

Time Period Value

On selecting this option, the data is displayed for the duration specified as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Time Period Value Option

Maximize/Minimize View

This option is used to maximize the pane where the tier and integration points are displayed and hides the right pane. To maximize, click the Maximize View  button as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40: Maximize Button

To restore it to the previous view, click the Minimize  button as marked in Figure 41.

Figure 41: Minimize Button

Zoom in/Zoom Out

You can use the mouse scroll (up and down) to zoom in or zoom out the view of the pane.

Zoom In

Figure 42: Zoom in Window

Zoom Out

Figure 43: Zoom Out Window